PANCAKE* nature walk
Join Friends of the Earth for the PANCAKE Nature Walk on 6th May!
Friends of the Earth invites everyone to join the nature walk for the Erasmus+ Project PANCAKE where they will showcase the official signs created by the Deaf community for local flora.
The aim of the Project is to improve the inclusion of the Deaf community in accessing nature, augment knowledge about flora and design inclusive public spaces through 5 innovative actions. These will include the enhancement of five national sign languages by creating a sign for plants which are found in the four countries, creating videos to learn the new signs and short sign language documentaries, a manual of best architectural practices for inclusion and accessibility in public spaces and the adaptation of the material into online interactive content for dissemination.
After the presentation, participants will enjoy the guided walk in Majjistral Park and have vegetarian refreshments and snacks. Each registered participant will also receive a sweet complimentary nature gift from the project.
Registration will be open till 27th April. Feel free to invite your family and friends!
Find out more and register here