Jan 28, 2023
Jan 28, 2023
Citizens lab – expert advice funding

Looking for expert advice? NGOs and Individuals can apply through Citizens Lab to get funding. This fund is available until September 2023.
Citizens Lab is a project which aims to promote active citizenship, empower civil society and promote and serve as a watchdog for human rights and democratic principles. We have created a website to function as a hub for NGOs and for members of the public to connect that will serve to strengthen the capacity of civic voices. The platform can be used to air ongoing concerns that threaten our democratic rights, human rights and rule of law and to gather support for advocacy events. It will also serve as a central point of reference of happenings in the civil sector and the what is happening in the community.
Citizens Lab also has funding for civil society (individuals and NGOs) to obtain expert advice to support them in their advocacy initiatives. Such activities may include, but are not limited to:
· Research-based advocacy
· Gathering of public opinion data
· Promotion of media literacy
· Monitoring of respect of human rights and democratic principles
· Advocacy of human rights
Funding for expert advice
NGOs and Individuals are eligible for this funding which is available until September 2023. Experts can include lawyers, conservationists, financial consultants, funding experts and advocacy experts.
Examples of initiatives eligible for funding include
· NGOs needing legal advice (Note: the funding cannot be used to cover the cost of court cases).
· NGOs needing guidance on how to write a press release/article to advocate for change
· NGOs needing guidance on blogging/social media /podcasts
· NGOs/individuals requiring professional support and practical face-to-face assistance - from an expert on how to advocate for change. (E.g. how to organise a campaign, object a PA case); (Note: The fund shall not cover trainer(s) fees).
· NGOs/Individuals needing guidance on how to organise direct advocacy action. NGOs wanting to organise a panel discussion/webinar to address an issue. In each of these cases, we are able to cover the cost of the experts but NOT the cost of the venue the organisation and the promotion.
How to apply for the funding:
Write to kristina.maria.abela@sosmalta.org with a note explaining why you would like the funding and naming the expert.
Experts should be qualified in their field, unless they are well known.