May 16, 2023
May 16, 2023
MCVS introducing the new
MCVS has launched the new, a one-stop-shop portal that supports volunteers and voluntary organisations.
The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector has just launched a new portal,, and is now a one-stop-shop for opportunities and support to volunteers and voluntary organisations. This reflects the ever-increasing services by MCVS, including a full range of funds, training opportunities and many other support initiatives.
The portal now has two main sections.
The first one is aimed at volunteers of all ages seeking opportunities both locally and abroad, including the Youth Voluntary Service, EU mobility and the successful Voluntiera Malta initiative which has been integrated into the new portal.
The second section, on the other hand, enables registered Voluntary Organisations to register directly on the portal to recruit volunteers for their activities or apply as a host, both locally and through the overseas programme. A dedicated MCVS team is behind the services provided and will be assisting volunteers and VOs accordingly.
During the launch event, Ms Gertrude Buttigieg, Chairperson of the Council, stated that "being a volunteer does not mean that the person does not have anything to do. Instead, they are people who dedicate a portion of their lives to an activity that is close to their heart. There are different ways of volunteering. One can dedicate a number of hours per week, or once a month for example, or can find time according to the activity or goal that interests him. There are many things going on and the most important thing is to look for and find that something that interests you that you can commit yourself to it”.
Mr Mauro Pace Parascandalo, CEO of the Council, explained that “as the Council for the Voluntary Sector, we launched this portal to facilitate the life of those who would like to volunteer, and also to the voluntary organisations looking for volunteers to join them. In fact, this website, which you can find at, offers various facilities and has been created to match volunteers and VOs in a way to help each other and be of service in the community”.
Visit the porta here