Apr 19, 2023
Apr 19, 2023
Media literacy training by SOS malta

This training course is intended to help VOs on working around the media landscape in Malta
SOS Malta will be delivering a series of sessions on Media Literacy Training for Voluntary Organisations in Malta. The training course is intended to help VOs on working around the media landscape in Malta: Dealing with the press, the power of storytelling and how to use the media as a tool for outreach.
In order to properly identify which are the topics of most relevance, we are requesting VOs to fill in a NEEDS ASSESSMENT. The replies provided will help us better draft the course. It only takes two minutes!
Former journalist, writer, media literacy teacher and NGO communications coordinator Gabriel Schembri will be delivering the sessions.
Courses will be starting on the 3rd of May.
For more information contact them at info@sosmalta.org