Nov 29, 2023
Nov 29, 2023
Migrant Women Association Malta's 16 Days of Activism against Sexual Gender-Based Violence

Join the journey to end sexual and gender-based violence, leaving no one behind!
Migrant Women Assocition Malta (MWAM) is voluntary Organisation providing social services for refugees, asylum seekers, migrant women and families that are affected by sexual gender-based violence and poverty.
Over the past three years, MWAM has supported over 400 refugees, asylum seekers, and migrant women. In 2023, they supported 60 new beneficiaries, and 20% of them needed significant support due to sexual and gender-based violence.
This indicates the growing demand for such services.
To coincide with the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence in 2023, MWAM launched an online fundraising campaign: "Join the journey to end sexual and gender-based violence, leaving no one behind".
The fundraising campaign aims to encourage everyone to support MWAM's aid to victims of sexual and gender-based violence among asylum seekers, refugees, and migrant women in Malta.
MWAM provides the beneficiaries with the following services:
- Immediate assistance with basic needs,
- Professional emotional and psychological support,
- Aid in reporting case of voilnce
- Job search assistance,
- Assistance in accessing governmental services.
This campaign aims to offer quick support to victims of sexual and gender-based violence, making sure that free services are available to everyone who needs them.
Join the campaign for positive change and to become the change you want to see in society.
Donation options:
Revolut mobile number +356 99694638
BOV Mobile Number: +356 99694638
MWAM fundraiser:
Account No- 40023718724
IBAN: MT98VALL22013000000040023718724
Bank of Valletta.