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The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (Cap 586 of the Laws of Malta) regulate the processing of personal data whether held electronically or in manual form. The Academy of Givers is set to fully comply with the data protection principles as set out in the Data Protection legislation.

Giving Report Survey

The Giving Report Survey is being disseminated to businesses and Voluntary Organisations in Malta to get a better understanding of how businesses support NGOs and how NGOs receive this support. All data collected will be analysed and used in a report that will be shared openly in Malta to improve the way we support and give to NGOs. This will help businesses be more effective in their giving, and NGOs in their approaches and receiving of support.  

Personal Data Collected and GDPR

The Academy of Givers is responsible for the collection, compilation, analysis and publication of this Giving Report.  

Information provided to the Academy of Givers is treated as confidential. This information is used solely in the compilation of reports. No information on individuals or companies can be given to any external public or private entity.

The Academy of Givers, aims to comply with the Act – Chapter 422 of the Laws of Malta, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act – Chapter 586 of the Laws of Malta. The basic principles by which the Academy of Givers processes the personal data of the public, business partners and other individuals are set out in the Privacy Policy.

Purposes for collecting data

The Academy of Givers collects and processes information in order to carry out its objective to understand the Giving Sector and how businesses support NGOs. However, all data is collected and processed strictly in accordance with Laws of Malta as stated in this Policy.

In all cases the Academy of Givers is committed to adhere to principles as laid down in the GDPR, which means that personal data is: (a) processed lawfully, fairly and transparently; (b) collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes; (c) adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purpose for which it is processed; (d) accurate and where necessary kept up to date; (e) not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose; (f) processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security. This includes the processing of location data.

Retention policy

We will keep Personal Information and information from the Survey only so long as it is necessary to do so, or as required by law.  

All data subjects have the right to request that their information is amended, erased or not used in the event the data results to be incorrect.

If you have any questions regarding the Giving Report, the survey or this policy please contact us on