Voluntary organisation
Multiple causes
Mission: to raise awareness on different forms of bullying, to facilitate assistance for individuals suffering from bullying and for the reform of individuals displaying bullying behaviour in Malta.
- To provide information about bullying, including but not limited to, emotional bullying, physical bullying, sexual bullying, neglect and cyber bullying;
- To educate about the effects of bullying; physical and psychological harm, negative thoughts, self-harm, decrease of self-esteem and suicide, amongst others;
- To help individuals suffering from bullying find the right support, principally by linking them to the apposite organisation, authority, individual or body;
- To educate and assist individuals displaying bullying behaviour to discover that their internal energy could be converted into the good leadership of others;
- To raise public awareness about materials and resources which may help both individuals displaying bullying behaviour and those suffering from their bullying;
- To promote the participation of the Organisation on a national and international level, including the collaboration with pertinent administrations, authorities, organisations and other individuals or bodies;
- To raise funds by means of subscription of members, sponsorships, the participation in other funding opportunities, or otherwise, for all the purposes and objectives of the Organisation in such amounts and in such manner as may be authorised by the Council;
- To partner or otherwise collaborate with any national or international organisation/s as may be authorised by the Council;
- To encourage and promote research;
- To do all that which is ancillary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.
bBrave, c/o 3, Triq Preziosi, Sqaq Nru. 2 Ħal Lija, LJA 1190, MALTA
View on Google MapsVoluntary Organisation
Support needed
There are currently no items of support listed for this initiative.