Voluntary organisation
Friends of the Earth Malta
To be the human voice of the Earth to bring about a peaceful, just, equitable, and sustainable society that is respectful of present and future generations by inspiring change and promoting solutions
Friends of the Earth Malta campaign on some of today’s most pressing environmental and social issues, by engaging the public directly through a wide range of diverse projects and activities. It creates and participates in vibrant campaigns, raises awareness on a number of pertinent national and international issues, and mobilises people to participate in decision making processes.
In addition, the organisation strives to provide creative solutions that are based on sound knowledge and information, especially through the promotion of alternatives to certain environmental behaviours. And in keeping to their activist roots, Friends of the Earth Malta continuously lobbies, mobilises, and influences the policy community towards a more just and sustainable society.

Support needed
Tech support
What will the role involve?
- Maintain and repair computer hardware
- Assist in the analysis, purchase, implementation and evaluation of IT hard- and software
- Oversee maintenance of the network infrastructure and web server
- Manage ICT inventory including all tangible and intangible assets
- Assist with the maintaining our websites (WordPress)
- Provide user training as needed
- Manage security rights and work with superiors to improve systems security
- Maintain satisfactory security standards
- Undertake other duties as assigned to him*her by staff as required
For more information visit their website or contact them on info@foemalta.org

Support friends of the earth's restoration project
Help us turn il-Forn ta’ Kemmuna (Comino’s Old bakery) into a hub of sustainability! Back in the 90s, our director Martin stumbled upon an old bakery in Comino. He dreamt up a vision to one day turn it into an interpretation centre for the island, creating room for education about sustainability and a not-for-profit space for workshops, overnight stays and retreats with a functioning oven again! Fast forward 30-odd years and the island is begging for a hub of sustainability which complements its natural beauty, its cultural heritage and educates the general public about why it’s worthy of protection. In its final form, the bakery will become an environmental utopia which is completely self-sustaining, but we need to start with the basics, such as installing essential facilities, electricity and a bathroom.
Find out more about the restoration here