Voluntary organisation
Social and community advancements
The Malta Trust Foundation
The Malta Trust Foundation (TMTF) has the specific purpose to develop initiatives that support young people and communities that are facing particular challenges and who are at risk of poverty or social exclusion.
The Foundation seeks to support vulnerable communities through initiatives that are both educational and empowering in aiding individuals reach their full potential, with an emphasis on projects of a psychosocial nature.
All initiatives are well-defined projects emerging from priorities in the social field, that are well researched, planned and costed to ensure an efficient and effective service that is sustainable over the years. The Foundation seeks the assistance of major audit companies to market research and analyse the cost of every initiative.
Through its operations, the Foundation also educates and raises awareness on social matters to create a national conversation, with the aim of attracting the attention for the necessary national action, as the case might be.

Support needed
Support the youth employment support programme (YESP)
The Youth Employment Support Programme is managed by The Malta Trust Foundation under the auspices of Her Excellency Marie Louise Coleiro Preca. This free service is being given as part of the Foundation’s mission as a voluntary organization to encourage vulnerable young people to improve their lives through education and training.
The aim of Youth Employment Support Programme is to offer employment support to youths from a disadvantaged background, to help them find and maintain suitable paid employment. Throughout the process, support workers assess the youths’ barriers to employment whilst guiding and empowering them to manage and/or overcome those limitations. This typically involves guidance in CV building, improving interview and job-related skills as well as possible on and off the job support.
The Youth Employment Support Programme is seeking to establish ways of collaborating with potential employers to support jobseekers by giving job placements, job carving, adapting tasks, and potentially allowing for flexibility inworking arrangements.
To actively take part in the Programme and support vulnerable young people through employment, please contact ian.yesp@maltatrustfoundation.org